Space Quiz Questions-Try Out

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Space Quiz Questions-Try Out

  1. How many satellites did India successfully place into orbit from Singapore in the recent launch? Answer: Seven
  2. What was the name of the Indian rocket used in the successful satellite launch? Answer: Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) Core Alone variant
  3. How many foreign satellites has the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) orbited since 1999? Answer: 431
  4. Which satellite was the primary passenger in the recent launch? Answer: DS-SAR (radar imaging satellite)
  5. What will be the action taken regarding the final stage of the rocket to address the space debris issue? Answer: The rocket’s fourth stage will be brought down to 300 km.
  6. Which company’s commercial arm facilitated the launch of the DS-SAR satellite? Answer: NewSpace India Ltd
  7. What type of payload does the DS-SAR satellite carry? Answer: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) payload developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
  8. What type of orbit will the Aditya L1 satellite be placed into for studying the solar atmosphere? Answer: Halo orbit around the first Lagrange point, L1, of the Sun-Earth system
  9. What will the Anwesha satellite and XPoSAT study? Answer: Anwesha will be the country’s dedicated polarimetry mission, while XPoSAT will study bright astronomical X-ray sources in extreme conditions.
  10. Which rocketing mission is planned for the launch of RISAT-1B? Answer: The Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT-1B) will be launched aboard the PSLV rocket in 2023.

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