How many Grams of Concentrated Nitric Acid?

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How many Grams of Concentrated Nitric Acid?

Concentrated nitric acid is a highly reactive and corrosive chemical that is commonly used in laboratory settings. Knowing how many grams of concentrated nitric acid to use in a particular experiment or reaction is essential for accurate results. In this article, we will explore how to calculate the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed for a given reaction.

The first step in calculating the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed is to determine the desired concentration of the solution. This is usually expressed as a percentage by weight, such as 70% or 95%. Once the desired concentration is known, the next step is to calculate the molarity of the solution.

Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution. To calculate the molarity of the concentrated nitric acid solution, the weight percent and the density of the solution are needed. The density of concentrated nitric acid varies depending on its concentration and temperature, but it is typically around 1.4 g/mL.

Let’s take an example to illustrate how to calculate the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed. Suppose we want to prepare 500 mL of a 70% nitric acid solution. The molarity of this solution can be calculated as follows:

First, we need to determine the number of moles of nitric acid in 500 mL of the solution. Since the density of the solution is 1.4 g/mL, the total weight of the solution is 1.4 x 500 = 700 g.
The weight percent of the solution is 70%, so the weight of nitric acid in the solution is 0.7 x 700 = 490 g.
The molar mass of nitric acid is 63.01 g/mol, so the number of moles of nitric acid in the solution is 490 g / 63.01 g/mol = 7.78 moles.
Finally, we divide the number of moles of nitric acid by the volume of the solution in liters to get the molarity: 7.78 moles / 0.5 L = 15.56 M.
Now that we know the molarity of the nitric acid solution, we can calculate the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed to prepare the solution. The formula to use is:

grams of nitric acid = volume of solution (in liters) x molarity x molar mass of nitric acid

Using the example above, we can calculate the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed as follows:

Volume of solution = 500 mL / 1000 mL/L = 0.5 L
Molarity of solution = 15.56 M
Molar mass of nitric acid = 63.01 g/mol
Grams of nitric acid = 0.5 L x 15.56 M x 63.01 g/mol = 491.75 g
Therefore, we need to use approximately 491.75 grams of concentrated nitric acid to prepare 500 mL of a 70% nitric acid solution.

How many Grams of Concentrated Nitric Acid?: In conclusion, calculating the number of grams of concentrated nitric acid needed for a particular reaction or experiment is crucial for accurate results. By knowing the desired concentration of the solution, the density of the solution, and the molar mass of nitric acid, it is possible to calculate the molarity of the solution and the amount of concentrated nitric acid needed. However, it is important to handle concentrated nitric acid with care, as it is highly corrosive and toxic. Proper safety protocols should be followed at all times when working with this chemical.

FAQs on How many Grams of Concentrated Nitric Acid?

  1. What is the concentration of the concentrated nitric acid being referred to?
  • The concentration of concentrated nitric acid can vary depending on the manufacturer and intended use. It is typically expressed as a percentage or molarity.
  1. How many grams of concentrated nitric acid are needed for a specific experiment?
  • The amount of concentrated nitric acid needed for a specific experiment will depend on the concentration, volume, and desired reaction conditions.
  1. Is concentrated nitric acid a safe chemical to handle?
  • Concentrated nitric acid is a highly corrosive and toxic chemical that can cause severe burns and respiratory problems if handled improperly. It should only be handled by trained professionals in a properly ventilated laboratory.
  1. How should concentrated nitric acid be stored?
  • Concentrated nitric acid should be stored in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area away from other chemicals and sources of heat or ignition.
  1. What is the purpose of using concentrated nitric acid?
  • Concentrated nitric acid is used in various chemical reactions and processes, including the manufacturing of fertilizers, explosives, and dyes.
  1. How should one dilute concentrated nitric acid?
  • Concentrated nitric acid should be added slowly to water while stirring, rather than adding water to the acid. This helps prevent the acid from splashing or boiling, which can cause dangerous fumes and explosions.
  1. Can concentrated nitric acid be mixed with other chemicals?
  • Concentrated nitric acid can react violently with certain chemicals, such as organic compounds, metals, and reducing agents. Care should be taken when mixing it with other chemicals to avoid dangerous reactions.
  1. What is the density of concentrated nitric acid?
  • The density of concentrated nitric acid can vary depending on the concentration, but it is typically around 1.5 g/cm³.
  1. How can one determine the concentration of concentrated nitric acid?
  • The concentration of concentrated nitric acid can be determined through various methods, such as titration or spectrophotometry.
  1. What precautions should be taken when disposing of concentrated nitric acid?
  • Concentrated nitric acid should be disposed of according to local regulations for hazardous waste disposal. It should not be poured down the drain or disposed of in the regular trash.

How many Grams of Concentrated Nitric Acid Video?

Also read, what happens when Nitric Acid is added to egg shell?

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