NASA GK Questions

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NASA GK Questions

Here are some one-liners NASA GK questions with their answers:

What does NASA stand for? – National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Who was the first person to walk on the Moon? – Neil Armstrong.
What was the name of the first space shuttle launched by NASA? – Space Shuttle Columbia.
What is the name of NASA’s current space telescope? – James Webb Space Telescope.
What was the name of the first American satellite to orbit Earth? – Explorer 1.
Which planet did the Voyager 1 spacecraft reach in 1979? – Jupiter.
What was the name of the first American woman in space? – Sally Ride.
What was the name of the first space shuttle to be launched into space? – Space Shuttle Enterprise.
What is the name of NASA’s Mars rover that successfully landed in 2012? – Curiosity.
What was the name of the space mission that landed humans on the Moon? – Apollo.
What is the name of the mission that sent the first humans to the International Space Station? – Expedition 1.
What is the name of the spacecraft that orbited and studied Saturn and its moons? – Cassini-Huygens.
Who was the first American astronaut to orbit Earth? – John Glenn.
What is the name of NASA’s space telescope that operated from 1990 to 2021? – Hubble Space Telescope.
What is the name of the program that aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024? – Artemis.
What is the name of the mission that successfully landed the rover Perseverance on Mars in 2021? – Mars 2020.
What is the name of NASA’s next-generation crewed spacecraft designed for deep space exploration? – Orion.
What is the name of the space mission that repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in 1993? – STS-61.
Which space mission successfully landed the first humans on the Moon? – Apollo 11.
What is the name of the spacecraft that discovered evidence of flowing water on Mars? – Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
What is the name of the space telescope that discovered thousands of exoplanets? – Kepler Space Telescope.
What is the name of the first reusable spacecraft developed by NASA? – Space Shuttle.
What is the name of the mission that collected samples from an asteroid and returned them to Earth? – OSIRIS-REx.
What is the name of the spacecraft that successfully flew by Pluto and its moons in 2015? – New Horizons.
What is the name of the program that aims to send humans to Mars in the future? – Mars Exploration Program.

NASA GK Questions with Answers

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