Current Affairs Related to the Environment

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Current affairs related to the environment emphasize the urgent need for land restoration, water conservation, and the fight against climate change. Global efforts like World Environment Day highlight the critical role ecosystems play in sustaining life and the shared responsibility to protect them.

One-liner Questions on Current Affairs Related to the Environment

  1. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
  2. Who established World Environment Day and when?
  3. What is the theme for this year’s World Environment Day?
  4. Which country is hosting this year’s World Environment Day?
  5. What is the slogan for this year’s World Environment Day?
  6. How much of the planet’s species live in soil?
  7. What percentage of global crops is generated by drylands?
  8. What percentage of the world’s livestock depends on drylands?
  9. How many people depend on drylands for their livelihoods?
  10. What percentage of Earth’s water is usable as freshwater?
  11. How is climate change affecting the global freshwater supply?
  12. What is the largest hot desert in the world?
  13. How large is the Sahara Desert in square kilometers?
  14. What has been the rate of decline in land-based water storage over the past two decades?
  15. What are the consequences of declining land-based water storage?
  16. What percentage of the world’s land-based species live in forests?
  17. Why are soil microorganisms important?
  18. Where does Penicillin come from?
  19. What is regarded as the world’s longest river?
  20. How many countries does the Nile River flow through?
  21. How long is the Nile River?
  22. What percentage of global fruit and seed crops depend on pollinators like bees?
  23. What contribution do pollinators make to world crop production?
  24. How many leading food crops worldwide depend on pollinators?
  25. How much soil is eroded every five seconds globally?
  26. How long does it take to generate 3 centimeters of topsoil?
  27. By how much must food production increase to feed 9 billion people by 2050?
  28. What is the relationship between agricultural expansion and biodiversity?
  29. How many people globally depend on the agriculture sector for their livelihoods?
  30. What percentage of global resource and energy use is accounted for by cities?
  31. How much of the world’s waste is produced by cities?
  32. What percentage of greenhouse gas emissions is attributed to cities?
  33. By how much can urban trees reduce air temperature?
  34. How much can urban trees reduce air conditioning needs?
  35. What health benefits do urban trees provide?
  36. What role do urban trees play in improving water quality?
  37. How can small individual actions contribute to environmental protection?


  1. World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5.
  2. The United Nations established World Environment Day in 1972.
  3. This year’s theme is focused on land restoration.
  4. Saudi Arabia is hosting this year’s World Environment Day.
  5. The slogan is “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”
  6. Almost 60 per cent of the planet’s species live in soil.
  7. Drylands generate 44 per cent of global crops.
  8. Drylands are the source of feed for half of the world’s livestock.
  9. More than 2 billion people depend on drylands for their livelihoods.
  10. Only 0.5 per cent of Earth’s water is usable as freshwater.
  11. Climate change is dangerously affecting the freshwater supply.
  12. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world.
  13. The Sahara spans 9.4 million square kilometers.
  14. Land-based water storage has dropped at a rate of 1 centimeter per year.
  15. Declining land-based water storage impacts water security and food production.
  16. Forests are home to more than half of the world’s land-based species.
  17. Soil microorganisms are important for producing antibiotics.
  18. Penicillin comes from a small fungus living in the soil.
  19. The Nile River is regarded as the world’s longest waterway.
  20. The Nile flows through 11 different countries.
  21. The Nile stretches 6,695 kilometers.
  22. About 75 per cent of global fruit and seed crops depend on pollinators like bees.
  23. Pollinators contribute to 35 per cent of the world’s total crop production.
  24. 87 of 115 leading food crops worldwide depend on pollinators.
  25. The equivalent of one football pitch of soil is eroded every five seconds.
  26. It takes 1,000 years to generate 3 centimeters of topsoil.
  27. Food production needs to increase by 60–70 per cent to feed 9 billion people by 2050.
  28. Agricultural expansion is threatening forests and biodiversity.
  29. At least 2 billion people globally depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
  30. Cities account for 75 per cent of global resource and energy use.
  31. Cities produce more than half of global waste.
  32. At least 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions come from cities.
  33. Urban trees can cool the air by up to 5°C.
  34. Urban trees reduce air conditioning needs by 25 per cent.
  35. Urban trees provide cleaner air and reduce the risk of flooding.
  36. Urban trees help in cleaning water, improving its quality.
  37. Small actions, multiplied by millions, can create a powerful wave of positive change.

Key Takeaways:

  • Land restoration and ecosystem health are critical global priorities.
  • The agriculture sector, cities, and forests play essential roles in environmental sustainability.
  • Individual efforts, when combined, can make a significant impact on environmental protection.
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